About Us

Established in 1869, McLeod Russel is the largest producer of tea in India. With a rich heritage and legacy, producing the best is not just business, it is our passion. Our commitment to great service and impeccable craftsmanship is best put together by our founder:

"Tea is not a mere commodity for us. It is a heritage based on values and culture full of sentiments and commitments."

-B. M. Khaitan, Chairman Emeritus

With over 150 years of experience in making and blending tea, we are recognized world over as a one stop shop for the finest produce. Our verdant plantations in Assam are spread across both banks of the Brahmaputra, with each of our 33 estates having its own unique inherent character and flavour. Our signature estates like Margherita, Itakhooli and Phulbarie are recognized as the gold standard for some of the finest black tea on the planet. With constant innovations to keep pace with an ever-changing world, we take great pride in our legacy having stood the test of time. 

You might be surprised to only hear of us now, but we have been in your cups and kettles all along! As the largest producer of tea in India, we have been welcomed into homes across the globe for generations under third party trade names. A myriad of choices on your supermarket shelves, all with one source: us! 

That, however, is a thing of the past. We are now, for the first time ever, bringing you our superior and trusted teas right from the source. No roundabouts, no middlemen; just the very best, lovingly blended from the finest teas of our estates. Crafted with the expertise born of decades of experience, we bring to your doorstep a collection of premium blends for the discerning palate.

We are confident you will savour the unique freshness of flavours with full bodied maltiness to return for more.